Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Lions and Tigers and Bears.... Oh my!...

I'm sad to say goodbye to Chris and that little bundle of walking fluff Truman - I swear that dog needs his own Facebook page. Showbiz from head to tail.. I will be seeing my dear friend again mid October as he's meeting me in Sin City for a weekend of hedonistic debauchery! Can't wait! Remember Chris, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

So yesterday I travelled out to Yosemite National Park and saw the wonders of El Capitan and The Great Dome - this place is truly majestic and breathtakingly beautiful. My pics just don't do it justice. Yosamite is also a hotbed for wildlife and is famous for its bears and mountain lions, although I spotted neither (sad face)... Unfortunately due to the season and mild winter, the great waterfalls within the park have all but dried up, so missed out on that but no doubt I will be back! The dried up waterfalls didn't deter our tour guide though, who stuck rigidly to the itinerary and insisted in walking the group to the foot of the dried up waterfall. I thought, nah, keep it mate. Half hour hike up a mountain to look at a dry wall - not for me my friend!. I will meet you crazy cats back at the lodge. I'm off to partake in a feast of cheese, fruit and wine.... 
Mmmmm..... Come to mummy!

The famous El Capitan
A dried up waterfall
A creation of the gods..

So after hours on a packed out coach I reach the town of Fresno. It's a nondescript town with not much going on. I have a couple of drinks in a local bar then head back to the digs for the night, shattered.... Night x

14th August

5.45am wake up call as departing Fresno at 6.45am - too early but slept like a newborn! Feeling fresh my friends! 
Currently on the road. Road signs are telling me we are heading to the Mojave - get in! So, just me and 48 Koreans are heading to the desert. 

It's very early doors but temperatures already hitting 24 and due to get to 38 - good job the coach is like Narnia! 

Useless fact of the day - the Mojave desert doesn't actually have any sand, just loads of dust. Personally I'm hoping to spot some peyote while I'm here. Let the good times roll! 
The start of Mojave Desert... 

Ok, day 2 of my tour and I've made friends with a wee Indian family. Basically they had been badgering the tour guide for recommendations of where to find a decent Indian restaurant. Unfortunately our guide is Korean and doesn't understand the sheer desperation of someone needing a tasty mutton jalfrezi, served with garlic nan and a side order of  sag paneer (just drooled on my keyboard).. In steps Lorraine to the rescue. Fortunately I did some research on the subject (ahem...) as cant go longer than a week without my fix. I wrote a map and directions for Gupta, Sweta and their friends, to which they wanted my email address lol! I can now hear them muttering amongst themselves, passing the map around and my name being used in their conversations. Glad to spread the love to my fellow curry lovers... Tour guide, please take note how its done! 


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