Monday, 16 September 2013

Now I wasn't expecting that

Do you remember the wee Indian family that i mentioned on my blog about helping them find some curry? Well they actually wrote to me: 

Hello Lorraine,

First of all I am very sorry for not writing to you earlier as I did not have internet access. We both thank you very very much for taking initiative to inform us about Indian Cuisine in Las Vegas in the bus of TakeTours on 14th of August. We did visit Tamba - the Indian Cuisine at Hawain Market Place and enjoyed the food. Attached is a picture of two of us at Tamba. We also helped 15 other Indians in our bus who enjoyed food at Tamba. After our trip to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and other parts of CA, we are back to New Jersey with our son and I am now having access to internet.  After staying here for two more months we will be going back to India.

Well, I was very much moved by your initiative to be of help to others. This prompts me to take little liberty of introducing my activity. Basically an Engineer with MBA from IIMA one of the leading business schools of India, I worked as a Management Consultant throughout my career. Since last eight months I have retired from my professional activity and have joined one Non-profit organisation Sanjivani Health and Relief Committee ( works on providing health care to poor population of villages in three neighbouring districts of my city Ahmedabad by mobile medical clinics. Our focus is on prevention, detection and treatment of diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases in rural population of Gujarat. I am attaching a brief note on our Organisation. If you feel more interested, I invite you to visit our website.

I don't know about your activities. However, as you have basic nature of helping others, I thought this may interest you.If you like, you may write to me details of your activities. 

Anyway, thanking you very much again and wishing you all the best in life,

With best regards,

Gautam Shah

I responded to the wee Indian man, told him about my travels and he has invited me to go stay with them in India, January or February. I'm not sure what my plans are yet but don't reckon I will be in India that time of year. Very sweet of them though and it proves, it's always nice to be nice as there are alway good people out there willing to help each other... 

So a few things been happening in sunny San Diego... Met a few guys from USA hostel, Geoff and Yanick, here in Pacific Beach which was a nice surprise.. This is me and Geoff, who has possibly the best teeth ever! 
Im looking a little worse for wear and must lay off the Straw-ber-Ritas (hic...) but keep up the good dental hygiene Geoff..

So we had a foam party at the Banana Bungalow and it was so much fun. It was basically $20 all you can drink followed with music and plenty of foam.. Hilarious!
George, Nick (I think), Anton and Andy..
He's definitely not camera shy! 
A selfy with Adam and Lorraine about to be consumed with the foam monster
Adam, Anton, Paddy & George
Mark, a bloke from Belfast, Adam, Anton, Paddy and yours truly... 
No neck and just ready for my shave..
George trying to give middle fingers up but gets it slightly wrong..
The Irish lads and a cuddly toy that was later destroyed and everyone's rooms were covered in the content... Who did it??? Hmmmmm....
Phillipe, Lorraine and Laura

Those were some seriously foamy times.... 

i was dying for about 2 days later though and my excesses have taken their toll. Yesterday I booked into a hotel for the day as I was dying and just needed to sit about in my pants, watching HBO, in a freezing cold air-con room, without the distraction of the sound of man farts. I must have slept for 20 hours but woke the next day feeling heaps better. I've met 2 guys from London who I'm sharing a room with and never told them that I was checking into a hotel for the day. Supposedly they were really worried about my absence (little sweethearts) and I was given the welcoming words of "where the hell have you been!".. Too funny. Great boys and amazingly good fun! 

So I've been contemplating the next move and made the executive decision to go to Hawaii. I will be flying out this Wednesday and returning 11th Oct as meeting Mr CW & co in Vegas.. I've contacted a couple of Volunteer places in Hawaii, so hopefully I can get some work to help balance the cost of the flights and keep me occupied. All good in the hood! 

Waikiki - next destination... 

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